Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Do I seem like a 'PAWN'?

What do you infer from the figure which in the left side? Everyone see it as a pawn which is the least powerful piece in chess. But, do you know the speciality of the pawn? If it moves forward and reaches the other side i.e., 8th rank, it turns into a powerful piece. The most powerful piece is Queen. This tiny pawn conceals its intentions. It portraits itself as the least powerful piece in the initial stages of the game. But its real intention is to become a powerful piece. It shows its real image when no one expects.


The above dynamic phrase is one of my favourite phrases. Actually, I took it from the book named "48 laws of power". It is a wonderful book but a bit philosophical. "Conceal your intentions" is one of the 48 laws of power.

This phrase doesn't seem to be an interesting one but a very powerful weapon. Everyone who is so much passionate about their life, career or destiny should own it. Potentially, this creates a virtual barrier around us so that it portraits us an 'UNPREDICTABLE" animal. If anything in the universe is predictable, there is no interest in it. There is a complete absence of curiosity. No more heat, blood pumping, eye brow rising or visibility of hard veins in our body.

My belief regarding this phrase is whether we want to do something good or bad, don't reveal our intentions to anyone. Not all the times but in few crucial occasions, it creates chaos. We can't do what we intent to do. Sometimes, it may leads to criticisms. We people hate critics. These intelligent people (critics) lower our self-esteem and move us to the tail of the queue.

Take an example of a boy. If his girlfriend is so predictable, he will lose his interest on her. Vice versa is also true. If a boy is so predictable, his girlfriend will lose her interest on him. This is not only applicable to a boy and a girl. It is applicable to a manager and a subordinate, a coach and a player etc..,

I'm not saying here that every time we should conceal our intentions. Sometimes in order to nurture our relationship, we have to reveal our intentions. Otherwise, it will create a gap in the relationships. Some of the intentions should be like the treasure which is deep under the ocean not like the garbage floating above the water. People search for that treasure. It creates curiosity among them. They will come for us. 

If we are like the garbage floating in the ocean, it makes the insane people to form a belief or conclusion about us. We have to portrait ourselves us like a puzzle which is unsolvable and make others to burn their heads to solve. Even though we are the garbage, we should be the garbage which is inside the treasure. This makes hard for people to create some conclusions about us so quickly.

Our intention should be a problem not to be the answer for the problems. If we reveal our intention, it makes the game easy for others. We are here to make our others life tuff, aren't we?

Intention is like a rain drop inside the oyster shell. It should be kept safely inside the oyster shell until it turns to a pearl
If we are mad and greedy, we won't get the precious pearl. You people know what do we get?

Note: The concept 'Conceal your intentions' is taken from '48 laws of power' by 'Robert Greene'

1 comment:

Bharath Ramakrishnan said...

good one again machi.... conceal your intentions.

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