Thursday, January 5, 2012

"HANGING without a ROPE"

Except insane people in this insane world everyone wants to live for many years....lets take it as 1000 years. I'm not joking here. If everyone gets good health and money to live for 1000 years, no one hesitate to accept it. I'm not going to write about living for 1000 years. I'm here going to write some stuffs about health.

Everyone needs a healthy life. But how many people are actually working in maintaining their health? Yep...some people but only after the machine gets completely rusted. This is not maintaining the health. This is like removing the rust. The saddest part here is while removing the rust some of the parts become worn out. So, this is not the correct method of maintaining our body.

One of the funniest things I came across was "All the thin people want to become fat and all the fat people want to thin". This thought came among them because of the external environment. I have two friends one is thin and the other one is fat. There is a reason behind them one who is thin want to become fat and one who is fat want to become thin. The reason is external environment (the relatives and the other friends). They used to say him you are thin and you are not healthy. You have to increase your weight otherwise you can't do any work and you will get tired soon. Next is our fat fellow. His situation is so pathetic. They menace him like, in future you will get heart attack soon, you won't get any girl friend and as usual they bombard him with lots of negative thoughts regarding the fatness. These criticisms may be or may not be true. Thinness or fatness does not relate to health.

Now I can remember one thing that I studied in biology. BMI ( Body Mass Index) is a measure based on height and weight of our body. I think it should be between 21-24. It should not be more than 24 or less than 21. Simply we can say depends on our height our weight should be there. Please do research on it. It will help. I don't want to speak about smoking and alcohol consumption. I want to be diplomatic here. People who are alcoholic and smokers are living for 80 years. People who are non alcoholic and non smokers are dying so earlier.

"According to me health is not about living longer. Health is all about doing everyday activities without having any problem in your body and someone not get disturbed because of our body problem. Simply saying waking up every morning and sleeping at every night without any pain in the mind and the body"Ramanathan.S.

Another interesting thing happened now, I don't know it telepathy or something my batch mates coincidentally complained about the mess food to the top management of my college. Nice "CORRELATION".  They started caring about their HEALTH.

Note: I'm not encouraging smoking and alcohol consumption here. They are very bad.

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